Mainly used in outdoor building hight transparent EVA film, decoration glass, civil projects, EVA solar film, enhanced film, sliding door film, photo film, special adhesive film for crystal photo album, special film for corner protection, safety coffee table laminated film, adhesive color film, PET back film, adhesive Divi film, adhesive and another transparent film, etc. As one of solar eva film manufacturers and glass laminating film suppliers, we supply ethylene-vinyl acetate film for customers, which is mainly used in outdoor building high transparent EVA film glass, civil projects, EVA solar film, enhanced film, sliding door film, photo film, special adhesive film for crystal photo album, special film for corner protection, EVA film for solar pane, safety coffee table laminated film, adhesive color film, PET back film, adhesive Divi film, adhesive and another transparent film, etc.
What Is EVA Flim?
EVA is the abbreviation for ethylene-vinyl acetate co-polymer (ethylene-vinyl acetate co-polymer). It also has good bonding properties with many materials and is widely used to formulate various hot melt adhesives and other types of adhesives. The principle of EVA film plastic is to pre-empt the air between the two sheets by a vacuum pump to form a vacuum state in the silicone bag and then enter the furnace at a high temperature to make the EVA film reach a molten state, and bond the two pieces of glass together. Its characteristic is bonding. The power is better and the light transmittance is better. EVA film solar is characterized by a relatively low investment cost, and the equipment can be applied to many industries. It is mainly used in architecture, such as inter-layers of curtain walls, daylight roofs, and canopies.
EVA Films For Glass Lamination
Dry laminated glass is to sandwich a layer of Eva glue between two pieces of glass. Even if the eva film glass is broken, the fragments will be glued to the film, and the surface of the broken glass remains clean and smooth. This feature effectively prevents the occurrence of debris piercing and penetrating fall incidents, and ensures personal safety. Strong anti-penetration ability.
As a eva film manufacturer and eva film supplier, we provide high-quality solar encapsulant film for customers to meet the high requirement in glass lamination at competitive eva film price. EVA film solar is very important to the safety and quality of glass lamination, which not only provides high-cost performance but also prevents the occurrence of potential accidents.
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Film Properties
Good quality: High bonding strength: bonding strength ≧100N/CM, and solar encapsulant film will remain unchanged for a long time.
High definition: high light transmittance ≧91%, low haze ≦0.2%.
Excellent UV blocking performance: 190nm~360nm UV blocking rate is greater than 95%.
No glue flow: The vacuum bag does not need to be glued, and the edge of the eva film glass is easy to clean.
Excellent weather resistance: anti-yellowing, and maintaining extremely high light transmittance and clarity for a long time.
Authoritative certification: Our EVA film material has passed the inspection of the National Safety Glass and Quartz Glass Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, and fully complies with the national safety glass standard GB15763.3-2009.
Wide range of applications: The EVA film solar is often used in outdoor architectural laminated eva film glass, curtain wall eva film glass and curved laminated eva film glass, such as office building eva film glass curtain walls, balcony guardrails, sunrooms, shower rooms, rain sheds and other outdoor buildings.
If you want to know more about eva interlayers advantages and eva film uses, please visit our website.
As a silicone rubber products manufacturer, we can offer kinds of related products for sale, anything you need, please leave us a message.
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Re: Using previous medical report for PR IPA formalities
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If they're still using the same medical form, there's a portion there to declare that you had a medical checkup within 2 yrs for ICA / MOM and that you don't need to do medical checkup. But just a heads up, I saw a post before that someone did this and ICA is not able to see their medical report from MOM, so they had to go for a new checkup and re-sched their formalities.
I went ahead and submitted my old medical report that I submitted to MOM back in June 2023. Now I'm worried that was not the right thing to do and instead should have used the ICA form
Did you make your application with the newer ePR system (the nicer looking one)? I'm in the same predicament as you, also had my medical from MOM less than 2 years ago.
In the newer ePR one, you have the option to upload your old results.
Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners
Re: Singapore PR Application - CPF access
There is no hidden meaning in Pending and Processing Application.
The new ICA system for handling applications only shows “Processing Application”.
The old ICA system shows “Pending”.
The same stage, in different systems labelled differently. Doesn’t imply anything of significance.
Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners
hey all, we are thinking about moving to Singapore, will be applying under ONE pass. Have a few questions:
1. What happens if I quit my job after I get the pass? From what I read on official government website the pass is valid for 5 years and not tied to me being actively employed, which means nothing happens if I quit or change to a job under the salary threshold, but I've also read I have to notify the government if my status changes, so trying to figure out if there are any consequences from quitting or changing to a job with a base under $300k a year
2. Is it easier to apply for Singapore jobs with a ONE pass? I'm based in the US and have hired in Singapore before, one time I hired a US citizen who was already working in Singapore, it took her 5-6 months to get visa sorted out after accepting our offer, so I got a first hand glimpse into how tight Singapore's visa process is. I also heard Singaporean companies don't like to hire people based outside of Singapore, at the same .....
Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners
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Hi @Mysticz Upon completing the Singapore Citizenship journey, how long did it take for you to receive the final approval letter from ICA? Some posts here say that the approval letter comes the following day or after a couple of days? Was that your experience as well? Thanks!
next day. now im waiting for my signed renunciation letter which is gonna take 60-70 days. but i dont understand why they got me a appt for reg 1 month after the letter when renunciation takes very long.
Eh.... The letter from the Indian High commission should reach you in approx a week from what I recall. Unless something has changed.
Thats what i thought after asking the person at high commission and saying it will take 8 working days. I got a acknowledgement email the very next day but i .....
Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners
Hi Everyone, updating back to the forum. I would like to share that my I have received my IPA for my PR application just today. :shock:
I have applied 4 months ago and the upload button and withdraw application disappeared two days ago (yes, even on the current ePR system they still disappear).
I'm actually surprised because with my profile, I'm expecting that I will get a rejection. I actually became sad when it disappeared coz there's no way I'm getting an approval this fast.