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FUE Hair Transplant, Hair Loss Treatment, Regenera Activa, Low-Level Laser Light Therapy

Posted By: jontan

Date: Tue, 25 May 2021

Budget: Best Offer

Mobile: +65 86917784

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Dr Tyng Tan Aesthetics & Hair Clinic specialises in hair loss treatments such as hair transplant, regenera active, & low-level laser light therapy in Singapore. If you have any question, contact us here or via

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Re: Full Cream Milk or Formula Milk?

For convenience, use UHT as it lasts unopened outside of the fridge for the longest period of time.
However, some people have been known to complain about the taste vs pasteurised.

Posted in Moms Group

Re: Is it easy to get a reverse payment for online purchase via credit card?


Posted in Business in Singapore

LTVP processing time

Hi all,

Just a quick check, if anyone did the LTVP renewal recently? Was wondering how long is the processing time, understand from ICA website its 6 weeks or more depending on complexity. Would appreciate if anyone can share when u submit, and when did ICA get back.

Thank you :)

Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners

Re: UHT or Pasteurised Fresh Milk

My daughter had terrible constipation as a child after switching to UHT milk, and we are almost 100% certain it was the culprit.

There is a bunch of propaganda online for and against UHT, but it is a fact that the UHT process destroys important enzymes that aid in healthy digestive process. For example:

1. Lactase – Helps break down lactose (milk sugar), although primarily active in the intestines, not milk itself.
2. Lipase – Breaks down fats in milk. It can contribute to milk spoilage if left active, which is why it’s often targeted in pasteurization and UHT processes.
3. Peroxidase – Acts as a natural preservative by helping protect milk from bacterial growth; this enzyme is inactivated at high temperatures.
4. Catalase – Breaks down hydrogen peroxide and protects cells from oxidative damage. This enzyme is sensitive to heat.
5. Alkaline Phosphatase – Involved in phosphate metabolism. Its presence is typically used to test if milk has been adequately pasteurized, as .....

Posted in Moms Group

Is it easy to get a reverse payment for online purchase via credit card?

Is it easy to get a reverse payment from the bank for online purchases via credit card? :)

Posted in Business in Singapore