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Sales Intern

Posted By: sateeshpeetha

Date: Mon, 15 May 2017

Remuneration: Best Offer

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We are a Business Startup specialised in Technology Personal Training Dedicated to graduate final semester projects and Holiday packages. Below are the services we are planning target in Singapore market. Please reach out to me if you are the right candidate who want to prosper in sales and marketing.

1. Personal training in the areas of DW, BI, Cloud Computing, PowerPivot with real time projects similar to FB, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Gmail, Google Search, GumTree, Etc. More useful to graduates, diploma, and masters final semesters. I am a professional with real time Industry work experience. You can checkout my profile at here. . You can even start your own startup with this real time project.

2. New Business and Existing Business want to reach out to new customers. You need online presence. We provide web development, support existing applications, and re-engineer your existing software.

3. We are also offering new innovative way to lose weight and have fun by travelling to new country. Weight lose and holiday packages are combined.

You can contact me on my whatsapp number for salary etc.
91 9247768177
Visit for the current personal training offerings.

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Re: Frustration Over PR Rejection

❰❰ Quote:
I ask my wife jokingly she can "march down" for me and she thinks I am crazy haha

My wife is a little crazy like that. She is in sales and can be very persuasive with a brilliant mind for negotiation, but I think she missed her calling, she should have been a lawyer. Needless to say, she is used to getting her way… and usually does.

Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners

Re: Don't let your overseas drivers license expire!

For those who left Singapore but kept your local bank account, did any of you change the address on the account to your new overseas address?

I’m just wondering what (if any) implications there would be to doing this. Would this put the account at risk of termination?

Posted in Cars & Motorcycles

Re: Frustration Over PR Rejection

❰❰ Quote:
@Bean123 assuming you are around ~30-35, you will more likely than not get PR at some point. All things considered, you may have been part of the group that is better off waiting a bit longer after marriage before applying. At the same time, it's kind of strange they sat on it for so long.

Anyways, what is the rush? Stability to start a family and/or BTO application?

If you can, maybe wait until Q4 of this year to apply again. Although maybe it doesn't matter that much either.

Good luck.

Thanks for your reply. Yes I am around 35. My wife is older than me and we already bought a HDB ard Serangoon. You are right there is no need for rushing. Thanks for the advice. I will wait abit longer to apply

Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners

Re: Frustration Over PR Rejection

❰❰ Quote:
❰❰ Quote:
We were married less than 1 year when i applied.
And there is your answer. You applied too soon after marriage which can be perceived as marriage of convenience. Usually recommended to wait 2-3 years after marriage.

You still did not say if it was PTS or family ties scheme. The approval algorithm would be different.

mal also did not mention his wife’s appeal was done more than 20 years ago when things were different. I doubt you can “march down” without appointment now.

Thanks for your reply. At first i applied under PTS scheme. One year later ICA asked if i wanted to br considered under family ties and I agreed.

Yeah I agree with u on the march down part. I ask my wife jokingly she can "march down" for me and she thinks I am crazy haha

Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners

Re: Frustration Over PR Rejection

❰❰ Quote:
We were married less than 1 year when i applied.
And there is your answer. You applied too soon after marriage which can be perceived as marriage of convenience. Usually recommended to wait 2-3 years after marriage.

You still did not say if it was PTS or family ties scheme. The approval algorithm would be different.

mal also did not mention his wife’s appeal was done more than 20 years ago when things were different. I doubt you can “march down” without appointment now.

Posted in PR, Citizenship, Passes & Visas for Foreigners